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search includes Arrest Records
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Vital Records
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Criminal Records
search includes Liens & Judgments
Liens & Judgments
search includes Business Ownership
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Registered Licenses
search includes Jail & Inmate Records
Jail & Inmate Records
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Traffic Violations
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Unclaimed Assets
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Vital Records
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Criminal Records
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Liens & Judgments
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Business Ownership
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search includes Jail & Inmate Records
Jail & Inmate Records
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Unclaimed Assets
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What are South Jordan City Public Records?

The Utah Government Records and Management Act defines public records as records prepared, owned, received, or retained by a governmental entity. However, not all records in government custody are public records. Access to some records may be restricted and only available to qualified persons. Record custodians can deny any request for such records. Examples of exempted records in South Jordan City include:

  • A personal note or personal communication that a public officer prepares or receives either in a non-official capacity or unrelated to the officer’s official activities.
  • Records owned by individuals in their private capacity.
  • Proprietary software.
  • Records protected by intellectual property laws
  • Computer programs that a government entity develops or purchases for its use.

Public city records may also be accessible from third-party websites. Record seekers may use these non-governmental platforms to search for a specific document or multiple city records. However, users will need to provide enough information to assist with the search, such as:

  • The address of the requestor
  • A case number or file number (if known)
  • The location of the document or person involved
  • The name of the subject involved in the record (not juvenile)
  • The last known or current address of the registrant

Government agencies do not sponsor third-party sites. Because of this, record availability and results may vary.

South Jordan City Crime Statistics

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) provides annual reports for recorded crimes in cities in the United States, including South Jordan City crime statistics. South Jordan’s crime statistics for 2019 included 1,198 crimes, with 73 violent crimes and 1,125 property crimes. The violent crimes included two murders, 16 rapes, nine robberies, and 46 aggravated assaults. The property crimes included 167 burglaries, 879 larcenies, 78 motor vehicle thefts, and one arson case.

Are South Jordan City Criminal Records Public?

South Jordan City criminal records are not entirely open to the public. Only qualified persons may access criminal records. These include law enforcement agents, the subject of the record, agents of the record subject, and individuals acting according to a court order. Interested persons can make requests for Jordan City criminal records at the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification. Requests should be made to:

Department of Public Safety
Bureau of Criminal Identification
3888 West 5400 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84129
Phone: (801) 965-4445
Fax: (801) 969-7065

Requests can be made in person or by mail. The record costs $15. For mail requests, record seekers are required to complete a Criminal History Record Application. Requesters may also need to provide a valid photo ID.

How to Obtain South Jordan City Police Reports and Arrest Records

The South Jordan Police Department maintains South Jordan City police reports and arrest records. Requests for records are typically processed within a few business days. Record custodians are mandated to respond to most requests within ten business days. A 25-cent-per-page fee is charged for each request. Record custodians may also charge research or service fees. Interested parties should submit requests at the:

South Jordan Police Department
10655 S Redwood Rd,
South Jordan, UT 84095 USA

Interested persons can also make requests for South Jordan arrest records and police reports online through the online request form.

How to Find Sex Offender Information in South Jordan City

Any person can find sex offender information in South Jordan City with the Utah Sex Offender Registry, which is maintained by the Department of Corrections. Users of the registry can search for offenders by name or location. There is also an option to filter incarcerated offenders so that they can be included in the search results or excluded from it. The information available on each sex offender in the registry consists of the offender’s name, address, description, photo, and offense. Users can also view a list of non-compliant sex offenders. Additionally, any person can sign up to receive an email notification if a sex offender moves into their community.

How to Find South Jordan City Inmate Records

The Salt Lake County Sheriff maintains an inmate roster for jails within the county. Interested persons can search the database with the inmate’s name, booking number, permanent number, and state ID. The registry also includes information about the inmates, such as their offenses, names, booking numbers, expected release date, and the holding facility.

How Do I Visit an inmate in South Jordan City Jail?

South Jordan City does not have a jail. However, offenders from the city may be confined in other jails within Salt Lake County. Any person that intends to visit should contact the jail and schedule a visit. Visitors should abide by the rules of the jail, including:

  • Visitors should be fully clothed and should not wear revealing clothes.
  • Visitors below 18 years old should be accompanied by at least one adult.
  • Individuals that have been convicted for a felony in the past should not visit while on probation.
  • Visitors should not bring controlled substances, firearms, or alcohol into a jail.
  • Visitors should not carry items into the visiting area.
  • Visitors should not exchange objects with inmates.

The Salt Lake County Jail is located at:

Salt Lake County Jail
3415 South 900 West,
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Phone: (801) 743-5500

Conducting a search is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Notice.

What are South Jordan City Vital Records?

South Jordan City vital records provide official documentation of significant life occurrences that happen within South Jordan, such as marriage certificates, divorce decrees, birth certificates, and death certificates. The Utah Office of Vital Records and Statistics provides South Jordan vital records at the state level, while the Salt Lake County Health Department provides access to vital records at the county level. Only historic vital records are available to the public. The amount of time that should pass for a record to become historic depends on the kind of record. However, non-historic vital records are only available to eligible persons. Couples can also obtain divorce records at the District Court that determined the divorce.

Where and How to Obtain South Jordan City Divorce Records

South Jordan City divorce records are available at the Utah Office of Vital Records and the South Lake District Court. Divorce records in South Jordan are confidential for 75 years after the divorce. Within this time, they are only available to close family members of the record subject and persons that can show proof of need.

The Utah Office of Vital Records provides divorce records through local health departments. South Lake County Department of Health provides abstracts of divorces from 1978 till 2010. While the abstracts are certified copies that registrants can use for official purposes, they have limited information regarding the divorce. The requester would need to complete and submit the request form, which is also available in Spanish. Requesters also need to provide a valid photo ID to prove their identity or relation to the record subject. Online requests can be made with the State of Utah’s Online Request Portal. Requests should be made at any of the following locations.

Ellis R. Shipp Public Health Center
4535 South 5600 West
West Valley City, UT 84120
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: (385) 468-3712

Salt Lake Public Health Center
610 South 200 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: ((385) 468-4230)

South Redwood Public Health Center
7971 South 1825 West
West Jordan, UT 84088
Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: (385) 468-5312

The South Lake District Court provides divorce decrees which contain complete information on divorces. However, only records for divorce cases the court determined are available. The Utah Third District Court, Divorce Division, decides divorce cases from South Jordan. Interested persons can obtain South Jordan divorce decrees by requesting the court at:

Salt Lake City District Court
Matheson Courthouse 450 South State St
P.O. Box 1860
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-1860
Phone: (801) 238-7480

Where and How to Get Public South Jordan City Marriage Records

South Jordan City marriage records are available at the Utah Office of Vital Records and the South Lake County Clerk Office. Only historic marriage records are open to the public. Non-historic marriage records are confidential. Historic marriage records are records of marriages that happened over 75 years ago. Persons that can obtain non-historic marriage records include:

  • The parents of the record subject
  • The children of the record subject
  • The siblings of the record subject
  • The grandparents of the record subject
  • The grandchildren of the record subject
  • The siblings of the record subject

The Utah Office of Vital Records provides South Jordan marriage records through the local county health departments. South Lake County Department of Health maintains abstracts of marriages from 1978 till 2010. Any person interested in obtaining a South Jordan marriage abstract should fill and submit the request form (also available in Spanish). Requests should include a valid photo ID of the requester to prove their identity or show their relationship to the record subject. Requests can be made online, in person, or by mail. Online submissions can be made with the State of Utah’s Online Request Portal.

The South Lake County Clerk also provides full certified South Jordan marriage records. Requests can be made by mail. The Clerk also accepts phone requests if the requester is the subject of the record. There is a $5 fee for each certified copy and a $2 fee for each uncertified copy. The requester should provide their name, address, name of the parties to the marriage, and the date and place of marriage. Requests should be made to:

Salt Lake County Clerk, Marriage Division
2001 South State Street, Suite S2 200
P.O. Box 144575
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4575
Phone: (385) 468-7300

Where and How to Find South Jordan City Birth Records

South Jordan City birth records are available at the county and state levels. However, the records are only available to eligible persons until 100 years have passed from the date of birth. Eligible persons that can make requests while a birth record is confidential include close family members of the record subject, such as parents, siblings, grandparents, children, grandchildren, and spouses.

The Utah Office of Vital Records accepts online and mail requests for vital records. South Jordan City birth records that are available are those from 1905 till the present. Online requests can be made through the State of Utah’s Online Request Portal. For mail requests, the requester would need to complete the Birth Certificate Application. Requesters that are unable to use the form may also write a letter that includes the type of record, name of the person on the record, date of birth, place of birth, name of parents, and the reason for the request. The request should also include a valid photo ID and should be submitted to:

Vital Records
P.O. Box 141012
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-1012

Requests can also be made to the South Lake County Department of Health for records from 1951 till the present. Interested persons can make their requests either in person or by mail. There is a request form that requesters should complete, which is also available in Spanish. Requests should include the requester’s valid photo ID, showing the requester’s relationship to the subject of the record or proving their identity. Requests should be made to any of the locations for divorce requests.

Where and How to Find South Jordan City Death Records

Eligible persons can find South Jordan City death records by making a request to either the Utah Office of Vital Records or the South Lake County Health Department. Death records are usually confidential unless 50 years have passed from the date of the death. Individuals eligible to obtain death records while it is confidential include:

  • Parents of the record subject
  • Spouse of the record subject
  • Siblings of the record subject
  • Grandparents of the record subject
  • Children of the record subject
  • Grandchildren of the record subject

Requests to the Utah Office of Vital Records can be made either online or through the mail. The Office maintains death records from 1905 till the present. Requesters can make online requests with the State of Utah’s Online Request Portal. Mail requesters should fill and submit the Death Certificate Application. Alternatively, requesters can also write letters that include the type of record they want, the name of the record subject, the date of death, place of death, and the reason for the request. Requests should include the requester’s valid photo ID and be submitted to:

Vital Records
P.O. Box 141012
Salt Lake City UT 84114-1012

The South Lake County Department of Health maintains South Jordan City death certificates from 1951 till the present. Eligible persons can also obtain copies of the records through an in-person or mail request. Interested persons should fill the request form, which they may also do in Spanish. A valid photo ID should be included in the request. Requests should be made to any of the locations for the Salt Lake Health Department.